Thursday 9 May 2013

Moving lipstick advert

Heres my moving image for a N07 advert for lipstick

Moving eye makeup animation

Heres my moving image of my illustration created for my Promotion through Media module. This was created for my N07 campaign. 

Thursday 2 May 2013


Overall Im really happy with my body of work. Im happy that my trend boards clearly show the trends they represent and that the styling boards go well with each of the trend boards. My favourite trend has to be Romantic pastels, because the colours are fresh and fun, mixed with a really girly feel this is perfect trend for me.

When printing my trend and styling boards, I was disappointed by the quality of the University printers, I feel that the colours look dull and there are marks on the paper from where they have been through the printer. The picture quality doesn't look great either, even though I sourced my photos at the highest resolution I could, and edited them in photoshop correctly, I feel that the bad printing is to blame for this. So if I had to print any of this again, I would print it on Photo paper to make sure the colour came out correctly and so my photos looked sharp.

Overall, I have enjoyed this project- researching new and old trends, looking at forecasting sites, blogging (which Ive never done before and would like to continue) and styling my own photo shoot. The only thing I didn't enjoy was printing everything out!

Styling Board- Romantic Pastels

This is my final styling board for Romantic pastels. My main aim for the board was for it to be fun and make the audience feel happy, which i feel i have achieved, as my model is smiling and had fun on the shoot. Im glad i went with the jumping poses, because i think the are interesting to look at, and give the whole board a carefree feel to it- which is what pastel colours represent- spring and summer, when the sun is shining and it just makes everyone happier (hence why i added the sunglasses) if i where to do this shoot again I would love to have do it on a trampoline, so that my model could have done different poses in the air!!!

Styling Board- Eastern Promise

This is my final styling board for my Eastern Promise trend. I used the big image on the right because I feel that it shows a pose that would be taken by a tribal leader, chin high, showing power and poise. The other two are very strong poses, that i imagine would a strong woman of a tribe would take, she would look strong and powerful. I added a colour pallet to show the main colour trend in my photos- most come from the poncho.
I arranged my board in this way to show a big strong image that represents my trend, and the other two reiterate it. I feel that the images work really well together and I'm happy with how they have turned out. I set my styling board out in a clean and simple way so that its easily readable and the trend concept and colour can shine through. If i where to do this again, I would source more outfits and maybe change accessories in each picture. Because even though I did have different outfits and tried them out, I feel that this outfit represents my trend the best.

Examples of tribal women found from Pinterest. I love these images, these women are so strong and inspirational. I wanted my models poses to come across as strong as these women!

Photo shoot finals (Pastel)

These are my chosen images for my Romantic Pastel trend, I will edit them in Photoshop- crop and adjust the colours slightly. I love the jumping poses, they remind me of a GAP advert!!!

Photo shoot finals (Eastern)

These are my chosen images for my Eastern promise trend, I will edit them in Photoshop- crop and rotate them to make sure my model doesn't look like she's tilting to the side. I wont edit the colours, as i like the warm effect the photos already have, but will play around with hue and saturation and curves to see how the photos could look.