Thursday 2 May 2013

Styling Board- Eastern Promise

This is my final styling board for my Eastern Promise trend. I used the big image on the right because I feel that it shows a pose that would be taken by a tribal leader, chin high, showing power and poise. The other two are very strong poses, that i imagine would a strong woman of a tribe would take, she would look strong and powerful. I added a colour pallet to show the main colour trend in my photos- most come from the poncho.
I arranged my board in this way to show a big strong image that represents my trend, and the other two reiterate it. I feel that the images work really well together and I'm happy with how they have turned out. I set my styling board out in a clean and simple way so that its easily readable and the trend concept and colour can shine through. If i where to do this again, I would source more outfits and maybe change accessories in each picture. Because even though I did have different outfits and tried them out, I feel that this outfit represents my trend the best.

Examples of tribal women found from Pinterest. I love these images, these women are so strong and inspirational. I wanted my models poses to come across as strong as these women!

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